Tubby Fruits Peach Orchard
                     Where We Focus on Flavor!
We have about 600 feet of delicious U-Pick blackberries available at our Belton orchard, which ripen over 3 to 4 weeks in the middle of the season. Fortunately, all our blackberries are thornless, so you can pick them without blood-lettingâ˜ș We will provide small buckets for you to pick into, so don't worry about bringing containers.
When picking blackberries, try to pick only berries which are all black (no red).  Ripe berries break down quickly in heat once picked, so it's best not to leave them in a hot car.  Once you are home with the berries.  Place them in the refrigerator.  Unlike peaches, blackberries don't keep well on the counter.  They need to be refrigerated.
See the following link for additional information about picking blackberries and other interesting blackberry facts (Note clicking on the link will cause you to leave Tubby Fruits Website.)  http://www.pickyourown.org/blackberries.htm
For a description of peach and blackberry varieties, please see our Description of Varieties
For our  U-Pick blackberry hours, please check our Map & Hours page.

Please check our Facebook page for daily ripening information.  You DO NOT have to have a Facebook account to access our Facebook page linked below.  Sometimes we are temporarily sold out of fruit, so a quick check of our Facebook page could potentially save a wasted trip, in case we are temporarily sold out of fresh peaches, blackberries or tomatoes. 
Just click on the white "f" in the blue box below.
Mark Angermayer
Owner Tubby Fruits